Am I going to lose emails by restoring?

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Am I going to lose emails by restoring?

Post by kasra »


My WordPress website crashed, and I need to recover it using Jetback 5 Cpanel. I'm unfamiliar with this software, and I want to ensure that I'm not losing any emails by restoring the site. I have attached a screenshot of what I'm seeing. My question is, am I going to lose any emails by restoring, and if so, is there a way to avoid that while fully restoring my WordPress installations? FYI, this site is hosted on a shared hosting environment.

Thank you,
jet backup.png
jet backup.png (182.99 KiB) Viewed 8865 times
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Re: Am I going to lose emails by restoring?

Post by JetAppsKevin »

Hello Kasra,

Restoring the account with the "Merge Backup data with live account data" option enabled will ensure that the live data that exists will not be removed during the restore. Furthermore, the live data takes precedence over the data restored from the backup.

Our Tech Support team is available if you require assistance with restoring your backup, and you can reach them by emailing [email protected] or through your JetApps Client Area.

Thank you,
Kevin N
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Re: Am I going to lose emails by restoring?

Post by kasra »

Hi Kevin,

Thank you so much for the helpful advice.

Kind regards,
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