notification for an account

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notification for an account

Post by ludolugo »

I was wondering i can make custom notificacion or to create a notification only when an account backup is not finished, for example this account has never finished and because of this the account didn't have a backup since May, i know the backup job status is partially completed but since almost all of my backups status is partially completed because of ssl certificate error (i reported this in other thread) i can't keep checking all backups to see if any account has the status NEVER FINISHED, thats why i was wondering if i can create a custom notificaction for this accounts.

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Re: notification for an account

Post by JetAppsKevin »

Hello ludolugo,

The only available way to retrieve the status of Never Finished account backups is to use the listLogItems API call.

It would be possible to setup a cron to use the listLogs and listLogItems API calls to find the `_id` of the log for the latest backup job run and list each item (account) to show their backup statuses individually. A status of 104 would indicate that the account backup job was Never Finished.

Unfortunately, there isn't a more convenient method to determine the status of Never Finished backup jobs since those processes never complete and will not run any post account backup job hooks.

Best Regards,
Kevin N
JetApps, LLC. |
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