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Item Never Finished problem with JB5

Posted: June 22nd, 2021, 11:29 pm
by baskettcase
Every few days we get an error with our backups to Wasabi:

[22/Jun/2021 00:05:29 +0000] [PID 519] [ERROR] Item Never Finished

This is in the place where usually you would see "Backup Completed" but instead we see the above. It's a different PID than the rest of the backing up for that account also which I find strange. There are no other notes of what went wrong so I can't tell if it's a server issue, Wasabit issue or JetBackup issue. Do you have any insight on this? Thanks!

Re: Item Never Finished problem with JB5

Posted: June 23rd, 2021, 5:18 am
by JetAppsRichard
Hello baskettcase,

Typically, these "Item Never Finished" errors occur when there was an unknown interruption of the Backup Job. We recommend checking any supplemental logs for any more information about this error. You can find these logs at the following locations:

Code: Select all

Please also enable debug mode for the Backup Jobs within the General Settings. This way any PHP errors/Panel Errors will get logged in the Backup Job Log. You can enable debug mode by navigating to JetBackup 5 -> Settings -> General -> Debug Mode.

The more common reason an "Item Never Finished" error occurs is when one of the JetBackup 5 services gets restarted during the backup job process. Please check the status of the following services with the following commands:

Code: Select all

service jetbackup5d status
service jetindexd status

journalctl -u jetbackup5d
journalctl -u jetindexd
If you cannot determine the cause of the "Item Never Finished" error after all the above steps, please open a support ticket with us at [email protected] and our 24/7 support team will be more than happy to further assist. If you have any further questions, please let us know.

Re: Item Never Finished problem with JB5

Posted: June 23rd, 2021, 9:01 am
by baskettcase
Ok great, thank you Ill look into all of that!

Re: Item Never Finished problem with JB5

Posted: January 5th, 2022, 1:18 pm
by petarkozic
I have same problem, and I checked logs.

In JetBackup5 GUI queue, I can see status

Code: Select all

Never Finished
In log file

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

[05/Jan/2022 10:59:33 +0000] [PID 7438] [ERROR] [Main] Fork closed unexpectedly. Error: View 'mysql.user' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them. (Query: UPDATE mysql.user
                                                        SET password = 'dbuser_pass'
                                                        WHERE user = 'some_username')
[05/Jan/2022 10:59:33 +0000] [PID 7438] [ERROR] #0 /usr/local/jetapps/var/lib/jetbackup5/Panel/Account/ JetBackup\Panel\Data\MySQL->execute('UPDATE')
#1 /usr/local/jetapps/var/lib/jetbackup5/Panel/Account/ JetBackup\Panel\Account\DatabaseUser::add(Object(JetBackup\Panel\Account\Account), Object(class@anonymous))
#2 /usr/local/jetapps/var/lib/jetbackup5/Core/Restore/RestoreAccount/ JetBackup\Panel\Account\Account->addDatabaseUser(Object(class@anonymous))
#3 /usr/local/jetapps/var/lib/jetbackup5/Core/Restore/ JetBackup\Core\Restore\RestoreAccount\DatabaseUser->execute()
#4 /usr/local/jetapps/var/lib/jetbackup5/Core/Process/Fork/ JetBackup\Core\Restore\RestoreAccount->execute()
#5 /usr/local/jetapps/var/lib/jetbackup5/Core/Process/Fork/ JetBackup\Core\Process\Fork\ForkQueueableRestore->run()
#6 /usr/local/jetapps/var/lib/jetbackup5/Core/Process/Fork/ JetBackup\Core\Process\Fork\ForkQueueable->_queueable('{"created":1641...')
#7 /usr/local/jetapps/var/lib/jetbackup5/Core/Process/Fork/ JetBackup\Core\Process\Fork\ForkQueueable->_run()
#8 /usr/local/jetapps/var/lib/jetbackup5/Core/Process/ JetBackup\Core\Process\Fork\Fork->run()
#9 /usr/local/jetapps/var/lib/jetbackup5/Core/Queue/ JetBackup\Core\Process\Process->_openFork(2)
#10 /usr/local/jetapps/var/lib/jetbackup5/Core/Process/Fork/ JetBackup\Core\Queue\Queue->manageForks()
#11 /usr/local/jetapps/var/lib/jetbackup5/Core/Process/ JetBackup\Core\Process\Fork\ForkQueue->run()
#12 /usr/local/jetapps/var/lib/jetbackup5/Core/Process/ JetBackup\Core\Process\Process->mainLoop()
#13 /usr/local/jetapps/usr/bin/jetbackup5/jetbackupd(49): JetBackup\Core\Process\Process::main()
#14 {main}
[05/Jan/2022 10:59:34 +0000] [PID 2584] [Main] Fork 7438 type "Queueable" exited with status 256 (Item Id #61d579fab8a4eb4bf6283dc3)
File restore works but MySQL not.

WHM server

MySQL Server version: 10.5.13-MariaDB-cll-lve MariaDB Server

VERSION="7.9 (Boris Yegorov)"
ID_LIKE="rhel fedora centos"
PRETTY_NAME="CloudLinux 7.9 (Boris Yegorov)"

Looks like problem was related with MariaDB and JetBackup compatibility, but that is terrible if that can't be solved.

Re: Item Never Finished problem with JB5

Posted: January 6th, 2022, 6:58 am
by JetappsCris
Hi petarkozic,

Thank you for reaching out to us via our forums. This issue is related to using MariaDB 10.4+ with JetBackup 5 v5.1.14-v5.2.0
This was occurring because we were using the UPDATE command in those versions to set the database user password during a restore which we have verified is not supported on MariaDB v10.4 and up.

This issue has been resolved in the current BETA and EDGE version 5.2.5 with Case JB5-cPanel #97.

If you would like to update your server to v5.2.5 BETA or EDGE to receive the fix for this issue but remain on the STABLE tier, you can do so by running the following set of commands:

Code: Select all

jetapps -t jetbackup5-cpanel beta
jetapps -a
jetapps -t jetbackup5-cpanel stable
We apologize for any inconvenience caused. If you continue to experience issues or have any questions, please feel free to open a ticket with out 24/7 support team by emailing us at [email protected].

Re: Item Never Finished problem with JB5

Posted: January 10th, 2022, 10:27 am
by petarkozic
Thank you very much on answer, I will apply this.